Yard Waste Collection

Curbside yard waste pickup will begin March 18, 2024 and continue through December 2, 2024.

Yard waste must be in paper bio-degradable bags or 30 gallon trash cans marked with a yard waste sticker (available at Flat Rock City Hall).

Yard waste in plastic bags will NOT be picked up.

During the months of April through November, the City participates in a curbside composting program. The following items are acceptable:

  • - Flowers
  • - Leaves
  • - Grass Clippings
  • - Vegetable Pruning
  • - Garden & Yard Waste
  • - Small Twigs (No wider around than a pencil)
  • - Other "Soft" Yard Waste

Collection Requirements:

Residents must use the following methods for the separate curbside collection of yard waste:

1. 30-gallon size (or less) trash can with "YARD WASTE" stickers
2. 30-gallon paper compost bags which may be purchased from the City of Flat Rock or from local merchants.

Sticker Use:

"YARD WASTE" stickers are available at City Hall and the Police Department lobby. Cans containing yard waste should be placed at the curb with the sticker facing the street.

IMPORTANT: Do NOT mix yard waste with trash!
Do NOT put stickers on compost bags!

Separated yard waste should be placed at the curb next to rubbish and recyclables on your regular collection day.

The use of stickered trash cans for compost collection is urged because, over a period of time, trash cans cost less than bags; most trash cans have lids to reduce odor; and cans eliminate all bag material at the compost site, thus creating a better-quality compost.